Can A Site Be Rail Served?
You can always put a non-rail industry on a rail-served site, but you can’t put an industry that needs rail service on a non-rail site. What are the requirements for a site to be rail served?
[dropcap cap=”1″]Slope: A rail site must be able to overcome the elevation changes between the mainline and unloading pad. The siding must meet the following requirements: [list class=”bullet-check”][li]Single Car Service: siding must have less than a 2.5% slope for single railcar service[/li][li]Unit Train Service: siding must have less than a 1.5% slope for Unit Train Service[/li][/list][/dropcap]{boxfolder 117378336}
[dropcap cap=”2″]Siding Curvature: Trains cannot turn as sharply as trucks. Therefore, the turning radius can be as much as 600 feet for a train compared to 60 feet for a truck. I like to use the ballpark analogy where trucks only need the infield to make a complete turn around while trains need the entire ballpark.[/dropcap] [list class=”bullet-check”][li]Recommended Curvature: less than 10 Degrees[/li][li]Maximum Curvature: curvature over 12 Degrees requires written approval of the Chief Engineer[/li][/list]{boxfolder 109070744}
[dropcap cap=”3″]Track Layouts: Track configuration is driven by freight volume requirements and are also driven by the slope and curvature requirements. Here are the most basic types of configurations: [list class=”bullet-check”][li]Basic Stub-In: this configuration allows cars to be placed and pulled out in one direction only. {boxfolder 108985928}[/li][li]Runaround: Usually parallels the mainline and can accomodate traffic from either direction. {boxfolder 108985912}[/li][li]Loop Track: designed to support continuous movement for faster unloading or large trains.{boxfolder 109056236}[/li][/list] [div class=”doc” class2=”typo-icon”] Costs of a Rail Siding[/div][/dropcap]
[dropcap cap=”4″]Nearby Obstacles: turnouts for rail sidings also cannot be located near:[/dropcap] [list class=”bullet-check”][li]Rail Curves: Siding turnouts cannot be located within 200 feet of a curve[/li][li]Road Crossings: Siding turnouts cannot be located within 200 feet of a road crossing[/li][li]Bridges & Tunnels Siding turnouts cannot be located within 200 feet of a bridge or tunnel.[/li][li]Another Turnout: Siding turnouts cannot be located within 200 feet of another turnout.[/li][/list]