Ballast Regulator

Ballast Hopper

Dump Truck

Material Handling Truck

Tie Inserter

Tie Crane

Track Repair Vehicle

Rotary Dump Truck

Lowboy Tractor Trailer


Tamper 2



Woodchip Car


Material Handling Truck 2

Maintenance Vehicle

Maintenance Vehicle 2

PD Covered Hopper


Pettibone Crane


Mobile Repair Vehicle

Candor West

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Candor East

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ACWR 6907

ACWR 6922

ACWR 704

ACWR 9624

ACWR 9593

ACWR 9582

ACWR 9538

ACWR 9529

ACWR 6926

ACWR 6919

ACWR 6918

ACWR 6910

ACWR 6909

ACWR y928

ACWR 703

ACWR 100 Watts

ACWR 300 Dining Car

ACWR 301 Dining Car

SP 100 Airslie

ACWR 105 Indiana

ACWR 948 Silverbrand Dome

Covered Hopper

Tank Car

Aggregate Car

Centerbeam Flatcar


Contact Us

For Emergencies: 877-533-6913
Main Office: 910-974-4219
Fax: 910-974-4282
967 NC Hwy 211 E
Candor, NC 27229

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