Utility & Land UseLocating Your Business on a Rail Served Industrial Site

Application Procedure

Once your application is received, ACWR will check it for accuracy, ensure that all of the needed information has been submitted. Next, ACWR will determine the annual rental amount, lump-sum payment, or both. An estimate will be prepared to determine the cost of any engineering review.

Please see the current engineering specifications related to your project. Follow-up communication will detail the proposed rental amount, engineering cost, preparation fees, and various options for insurance, as needed as well as deliver a draft license agreement for review and acceptance. A final transmittal package will include a PDF version of the agreement including when and where to submit payments and any other items required prior to delivery of your final agreement.

Status & Questions

For general questions or for information about the status of an existing application, please contact us by email, being certain to include the name that the application was submitted under, the date of the application, the land owner, and any file numbers that you've received from ACWR. Send your inquiry to this address: realestate@acwr.com

Contact Us

For Emergencies: 877-533-6913
Main Office: 910-974-4219
Fax: 910-974-4282
967 NC Hwy 211 E
Candor, NC 27229

Featured Photos

1. Photo must be a TIFF, JPEG, JPG, or PNG file.
2. Write an email to photos@acwr.com with the photo file attached and the following:
    a. Subject of email: What the photo will be named in the Box
    b. Body of email: Anything written in the body that is not prefaced with a hashtag will become a comment on the file in Box.
    c. Body of email: To place a tag or tags on the photo in the box, preface it with a hashtag.
3. Send the email.